California Employer’s Services Blog Articles
Hiring the Best California Employees
Good Job Descriptions Get Good Employees Having a well written and captivating job description will attract the best employees to your company. Many employers fail to grasp the need to sell their company and their companies benefits as in regards to drawing the best...
New California Labor Laws And Cal-OSHA Standards Update
Arbitration Agreements In California Continue to Come and Go. Many of our clients ask me about the value of “Arbitration Agreements with class action clause attached to it as it pertains to California Labor Laws. These agreements are a lot like the ocean sometimes the...
San Francisco’s Minimum Wage Was Increased
On July 1st, 2016 the minimum wage for San Francisco employees who work more than two hours in a work week is now $13.00 for each hour worked. The old hourly rate used to be $12.25 per hour. Of course anytime that the minimum wage goes up there must be a new employee...
New Overtime Rules For Farmers Coming Soon
For years and years, farmers have been exempt from the normal overtimes laws. For most employer’s overtime would kick in once an employee worked over 40 hours in a week. Then California changed the rules for overtime to anytime an employee works over 8 hours a day...
Wage Lawsuits Continue To Thrive In California
California Labor Lawsuits Continue When it comes to wage and hour lawsuits employers do not seem to have caught on to their errors but the attorneys have. Some of the biggest mistakes that employers make when it comes to wage and hour laws are as follows. Failure to...
California Labor Law Violations To Be Reported Online
To be honest, I had thought that over the last two years the state had done a good job of making compliance with Cal-OSHA along with all of the complexity of the new California Labor Laws about as hard as it could ever be for employers to comply. Hopefully, employers...