It seems that employers can find Cal-OSHA And Human Resources Consulting solutions on almost every corner.

Below is a sample of where employers can get such services.

  1. Labor Law Attorneys
  2. Cal-OSHA Risk Management Services
  3. Your Workers Compensation Carrier may provide some of these services.
  4. Companies who are not attorneys but who specialize in Cal-OSHA And Human Resources Consulting

Here are some insights that will help employers to understand where to go to get their needs met in a way that will best serve them the employer.

  • Labor Law Attorneys can be bad or they can be good just like any other service industry.  If you get a good one, it will cost you and may cost you a lot.  However, if you get a bad one it will still cost you but they will be of little help.  The problem with this is that you may not even  see the attorneys deficiencies until it is too late and you have spent a lot of money and got little to nothing in return.  When you hire an attorney take some time and do your research.  How often does the attorney that you are looking at go to court?  It is important to know this because if an attorney does not go to court then they will not be up to speed on how the court enforces the labor laws.
  • Cal-OSHA Risk Management Experts, can either help you when it comes to Cal-OSHA And Human Resources Consulting or they can really hurt you.  Try to do your due diligence with them the same way that you would with an attorney.  It is in your best interest to ask for references, and by references I don’t mean employers who have simply signed up with them for their services,  your best references will come from someone that the company has actually helped to defend their safety practices during a Cal-OSHA Inspection or in the defense of a Cal-Osha citation.
  • Your Workers Compensation Carrier may provide some of these services but many times they are not as helpful as they should or could be.  This is a service that for the most part has been added as a free service for the purpose of enticing you to sign with them since they provide this added benefit.  The problem is more often than not the verbiage in the materials provided is very generic.  The langue in the employee handbook that is provided to you will many times not be written in a way that will protect the rights of employers.  The policies that are provided by the worker’s compensation and health insurance providers for the most part will not protect your rights by providing you will customized policies that reflect your company’s needs.
  • Companies who are not attorneys but who specialize in Cal-OSHA And Human Resources Consulting:  The same downfalls that exist with the other services exist here as well.  One benefit with this selection is that at least these companies are in business to help employers get and stay in compliance.

Questions worth considering when choosing a Cal-OSHA and Human Resource Consulting Service.

  • Is their harassment policy current effective 4-1-2016?
  • Does their employee handbook have verbiage that destroys your “At-Will” status.  Verbiage such as up to and including can destroy your companies “At-Will” status because it is an implied contract that promises steps even though the steps are not spelled out.
  • Does your Written Safety Program have progressive discipline in it?  This may also destroy your “At-Will” status.  This is true because at-will means that either you or the employee may terminate the relationship with or without notice.  However, a progressive disciplinary policy promises that there will be steps that will be followed before an employee is terminated.  Any policy that your company has established either in writing or verbally, could in court be ruled to be a  binding contract.  So it is important that all of your disciplinary policies are the same.

Remember a table of contents does not make an employee handbook, and there is more to compliance than an employee handbook and a written safety program.  The times have changed and there is now a need for employers to have several new policies that were not needed just a couple of years ago.

California Employers Services has been helping employers since 1997.  We have changed with the times for the purpose of giving employers the best protection they can have in protecting their rights as employers here in the state of California.  We now even have a network of three attorneys that are available to our clients should the need arise.  The attorneys that we network with have been to court and are very well versed with both the laws and the way that Cal-OSHA, along with the Labor Law Courts are enforcing them.

Pacific Employers: based out of Visalia Ca. is an excellent company that can be of help to employers. All of us are aware of the California Chamber of Commerce they are a good source for information although some of the materials they provide are overkill, and they do a lot of piece by piece marketing.

Should you have any questions we would love to speak with you since we really do love questions, and we realize that these are very difficult times for employers.  Compliance has changed so much is such a short time, it truly is a great challenge to employers not only to get in compliance but to stay there as well.  Call us today, and we will help you get the answers that you need.